Thursday, October 7, 2010

Top Things I Like About The New Twitter

If you've been on Twitter the past few months, you should be smiling about the latest developments in the Twitter front. If you're still not on Twitter, well... you're still living in the Web's dark ages.

The "#NewTwitter" as it is being referred to recently showcases a number of overhauls that make the Twitter experience faster, more informative and overall more appealing. Here are the top things I like about the new features on Twitter.

Tweet Faster on the New Twitter

The new Twitter website now features a noticeably faster input interface. Personally, I feel the character counter is still slowing down tweeters from typing in their tweets. Nevertheless, the new tweet box on your "Home" page performs much better compared to the old days (and by old I mean a few weeks ago). To have even a faster tweeting experience, click on the edit box button beside your username located on the upper right hand corner of the website to bring out a pop-up input box that let's you type in your Tweets with the least amount of lag.

Additional Tweeter Info on the Details Pane

The right sidebar of the site has been expanded to accommodate additional info and related content. If you click on any tweet, user information including other recent tweets, mentions and retweets get displayed on the details pane.

One Click Media Previews

You can now preview photos, videos and other supported content from authorized domains (i.e. Flickr, YouTube, TwitPic and UStream among others). If a user posts a link to a media content (without using a URL shortening service like a preview of the content will be accessible on the right side details pane. This means, people don't have to open a new browser tab or window to see the posted material or, for that matter, whether it is worth taking a better look.

Better for Sending Messages

Probably an unheralded feature of Twitter is private messaging. The interface for messages to your followers now makes it more intuitive and lets you easily track conversations with people you message a lot. Between messaging in Twitter and that in Facebook, Twitter private messaging is a lot better by far. If only Twitter would integrate previews of messages on the homepage then that would be bliss.

Below is the promotional video for the New Twitter. Enjoy. How about you - what do you like about the New Twitter?

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